Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Terrance Donovan - Portrait Photograph of Terrance Stamp in Far From The Madding Crowd.

One of the two pieces of work from the Manchester Trip on the 17th October 2016.
This portrait photography of Terrance Stamp in Far From The Madding Crowd by Terrance Donovan, July 1966 were I found it in the Vogue 100: A Century of Style exhibition in the Manchester City Arts Gallery, within the 1960s section of the exhibition.

Tim Walker - Portrait Photography of Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen from Shaun Hardwick

One of the two pieces of work from the Manchester Trip on the 17th October 2016.
This portrait photography of Alexander McQueen by Tim Walker, October 2009 were I found it in the Vogue 100: A Century of Style exhibition in the Manchester City Arts Gallery.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Life CV

Life CV from Shaun Hardwick

In this post, I thought about my future career in the Art & Design Industry, and applied some future predictions about the next couple of years in education and employment.

As shown in the above table, I have thought about certain careers with photography, as I predicted that I would work for some companies after my education to gain experience with working for clients. And then move away from working for a company to freelance and self-employed, which would be benefited by the numerous contacts, I have build up over the years.
And in the last stages, I predicted to become a tutor/lecturer to teach the younger generations of what I have learnt and gain experience by the choices, I had made to help them with the future creative career.